Unleash innovation with ProtonStack

The ultimate fusion of Next.js, React, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, Clerk.dev, PlanetScale/Supabase for modern, efficient web development.

Streamlined and powerful web development

Your go-to boilerplate for lightning-fast web development

ProtonStack: Empower your projects with React 18, Next.js 14, Tailwind CSS, Shadcn UI, TypeScript, Zod, React Hook Form, and seamless Stripe integration. Harness the strength of PlanetScale, Prisma ORM, Clerk.dev for authentication, and multitenancy. Elevate your development experience with Husky, ESLint, Prettier, and ensure bulletproof code quality with Jest, React Testing Library, and Cypress.

Faster. Smarter.

The all-encompassing Next.js boilerplate that transforms your web development experience. ProtonStack seamlessly integrates cutting-edge technologies to empower developers and accelerate project delivery. Explore the features that make ProtonStack the ideal toolkit for modern web development.

Modern Tech Stack

ProtonStack is the best way to start a full-stack, typesafe next.Js app with Clerk.dev, Prisma, Tailwind, Shadcn UI, Typescript and more. You can use it to build your next SaaS project. Save time and money by starting your project with ProtonStack.

Feature 01

Type Safety and Testing

Catch errors before they reach production with TypeScript and Jest. ProtonStack is built with TypeScript and Jest, so you can catch errors before they reach production. ProtonStack also comes zod.dev, a TypeScript-first schema validation library that allows you to validate data with ease.

Feature 02

Clean & Simple Code

ProtonStack is built with clean and simple code. We use ESLint and Prettier to ensure that your code is clean and consistent. ProtonStack also comes with a pre-configured Husky and lint-staged setup, so you can ensure that your code is clean before you commit it.

Feature 03


Use any database available with Prisma ORM. ProtonStack is suitable to use with PlanetScale, Supabase or Neon.


All the good things Clerk.dev provides: Auth & User components, Component Customization, Authentication with passwords, Social SSO, Magic Links, and many more.

Multi Tenancy

Leverage the power of Clerk.dev Organizations for you B2B Saas. Users can create Organizations and invite other users to join them. Multitenancy is optional and can be disabled.


Users or Organizations can have subscriptions and manage their plans using Stripe's Customer Portal.


Dashboard for for authenticated users.


Publish blog post for your Saas with MDX.


Ready to use Saas Documentation with MDX.

Dark Theme

Let your users choose Dark or Light themes.


Simple and clean code to get started, customise and integrate with any tool.

Production Ready Authentication & User Management

ProtonStack provides a production ready authentication and user management system out of the box. It is built on top of Clerk. It supports multiple authentication providers like Google, Facebook, GitHub, Gitlab, Tiktok, Apple, Email, Phone, etc.

It is secure and GDPR compliant. It also provides a dashboard for users to manage their account and profile.

You can create a B2B Saas application with ProtonStack in minutes. Users can create Organizations and invite other users to join their organization.

Feature 04

Why ProtonStack?

Create your Saas product in hours instead of months. ProtonStack provides all the features you need to build a Saas product.

Developer Experience


Enhance code quality and maintainability with TypeScript, bringing static typing to your React and Next.js projects.

Code Quality Assurance

Elevate your development workflow with Husky, ESLint, and Prettier, ensuring consistent code quality and style across your projects.

Schema Validation

Zod is used schema declaration and validation. Eliminate duplicative type declarations with Zod..

Pixel-Perfect UI

User Experiences

Design easy a great UI with ready to use components.

Tailwind CSS

Craft beautiful and responsive user interfaces effortlessly using Tailwind CSS.

Shadcn UI

Elegant and easy to use components by Shadcn UI and Radix UI.

Comprehensive Testing

Code Quality

ProtonStack equips you with a robust testing suite to ensure your application meets the highest standards of reliability and functionality.


ProtonStack integrates Jest seamlessly, allowing you to write unit tests with ease. Test your components, functions, and utilities to ensure each piece of your application functions as intended.

Cypress - End-to-End Testing

Cypress takes your testing capabilities to the next level with end-to-end testing. ProtonStack seamlessly integrates Cypress to enable you to write comprehensive tests that mimic real user interactions. Validate your application's workflow, catch potential bugs, and ensure a smooth user experience.

React Testing Library - Testing React Components

React Testing Library is a testing utility designed to make it easier to test React components. With ProtonStack, leverage the React Testing Library to write tests that simulate user interactions, ensuring your components render and behave correctly.

Database and ORM

Database Flexibility

ProtonStack offers unparalleled flexibility when it comes to database choices. Whether you prefer traditional relational databases like PostgreSQL and MySQL or you're exploring modern, scalable solutions, ProtonStack has you covered.

Prisma ORM

Utilize the power of Prisma ORM for seamless interaction with traditional databases. Prisma simplifies database access and management, allowing you to focus on building features rather than dealing with complex database queries.

PlanetScale, Supabase and more

Connect your ProtonStack application to a variety of databases, including but not limited to PlanetScale, Supabase, and Neon. ProtonStack adapts to your data storage needs, empowering you to choose the database that best suits your project requirements.

Subscriptions and Payments

Stripe Payments

ProtonStack provides a production ready subscription and payment system out of the box. It is built on top of Stripe.

Stripe Checkout

Collect payments securely with Stripe Checkout. ProtonStack integrates Stripe Checkout to enable you to accept payments from your users with ease.

Stripe Billing Portal

Stripe Billing Portal is a hosted portal that allows your customers to manage their billing information. ProtonStack integrates Stripe Billing Portal to enable your users to update their payment methods, view their billing history, and more.

Marketing Tools

SEO-Optimized with Next.js

ProtonStack harnesses the inherent SEO benefits of Next.js, ensuring your web applications are search engine-friendly out of the box. With server-side rendering, automatic code-splitting, and a robust data fetching framework, ProtonStack empowers you to deliver lightning-fast user experiences while maximizing visibility on search engines.

Built-in Blog with MDX

Create engaging and SEO-friendly content directly within your ProtonStack application using the built-in blog feature. With MDX, a powerful and flexible Markdown syntax that supports JSX elements, crafting rich and interactive blog posts is a breeze.

Documentation with MDX

Effortlessly create comprehensive and visually appealing documentation for your ProtonStack projects using MDX. MDX allows you to combine Markdown with React components, providing a powerful and flexible documentation authoring experience.

Pricing plans

Flexible plans and features

Buy once get forever. You can build as many apps you want with Developer and Teams plans.

Yes, free!
$249 $99
Launch your B2C or B2B business as a solo developer.
$469 $249
B2B or B2C Saas Starter Kit for companies.
1 Unlimited Projects
Unlimited Unlimited Projects
Unlimited Unlimited Projects
Lifetime Updates
Lifetime Updates
Unlimited Lifetime Updates
Unlimited Lifetime Updates
User Access
1 User Access
1 User Access
Unlimited collaborators User Access
Access to All Kits
Access to All Kits
Unlimited Access to All Kits
Unlimited Access to All Kits
Stripe Payments
B2CCustom Connection
B2C and B2BCustom Connection
B2C and B2BCustom Connection
Database and ORM
Database and ORM
Database and ORM
Database and ORM
Organizations and Invitations
Organizations and Invitations
Organizations and Invitations
Organizations and Invitations
Premium Support
Premium Support
Community SupportPremium Support
Premium Support
Hey, I am Ozan. I am a software engineer and founder of ProtonStack. I am a full-stack developer with a passion for building beautiful and functional user interfaces.
Launch in days, not weeks

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The NextJS boilerplate/starter kit with all the tools you need to build scalable full-stack applications. Start your SaaS, AI tool, or web app today.