Technologies and Tools Used in ProtonStack
Technical Details
ProtonStack is built on a robust tech stack that empowers developers to create modern and efficient web applications. Here's a list of the key technologies and tools integrated into ProtonStack:
React 18: The latest version of the popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, offering modern features and performance improvements.
Next.js 14: A powerful React framework for building server-rendered and statically generated web applications, providing benefits like automatic code-splitting and server-side rendering.
TypeScript: A statically typed superset of JavaScript that enhances code quality, maintainability, and developer productivity.
Tailwind CSS: A utility-first CSS framework that makes it easy to design responsive and visually appealing user interfaces.
- A comprehensive authentication and user management system that provides features like Auth & User components, Social SSO, and more.
Prisma ORM: A modern database toolkit for accessing databases with type safety, enabling seamless interaction with databases like PostgreSQL and MySQL.
Stripe: A robust platform for online payment processing, integrated into ProtonStack to provide a production-ready subscription and payment system.
Shadcn UI: Elegant and easy-to-use UI components contributing to a pixel-perfect user interface.
Radix UI: Components that enhance the user experience and contribute to the overall aesthetics of ProtonStack applications.
Husky: A Git hooks manager that ensures code quality by running tasks before commits and pushes.
ESLint: A tool for identifying and fixing problems in JavaScript code, integrated into ProtonStack for code quality assurance.
Prettier: A code formatter that helps maintain consistent code style and formatting across the project.
Jest: A JavaScript testing framework integrated seamlessly into ProtonStack for writing and running unit tests.
Cypress: An end-to-end testing framework that allows comprehensive testing of web applications, ensuring a smooth user experience.
React Testing Library: A testing utility for React components, facilitating the writing of tests that simulate user interactions.
Zod: A TypeScript-first schema validation library used in ProtonStack for declaring and validating data structures.
MDX: A format that combines Markdown with React components, enabling the creation of comprehensive and visually appealing documentation.
Explore the full potential of ProtonStack with this powerful amalgamation of technologies and tools designed to streamline your development workflow and deliver exceptional web applications.